sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009


I think I know well Santiago, since there are many places that I've never been. I was born in Santiago in the town of Independence, spent my early years there, then we moved to Cerro Navia, and finally to Puente Alto, commune where I spent most of my life.

Puente Alto was a very quiet and full of plots, but as time passed, it was populated by many people today Puente Alto is one of the most populated districts of Santiago.

For tourists who often visit Santiago, I would recommend the following sites:

- Cerro San Cristobal

Cerro San Cristobal is the lung of the city of Santiago, and is most visited by tourists and city dwellers. In the meet, the National Zoo in Chile, Santiago Forest is a center for environmental education in the learning activities are conducted outdoors, sports and recreational activities for the whole family.

- Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago

This cathedral is located in the Plaza de Armas, is one of the most representative buildings of the colonial period architecture.

- Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

This museum is located next to Forest Park is one of the main centers for the dissemination of visual arts in the country.

- Palacio de la Moneda

El Palacio de la Moneda is the seat of President of the Republic of our country. This building has had several changes on the outside, it now has a beautiful entrance.

- Barrio Concha y Toro

This is a neighborhood that still has the neoclassical and Renaissance styles of Santiago elegant of the early twentieth century, architecturally unique and special that is worth exploring.

Finally, I can only recommend to tourists, do not forget to taste the typical dishes of our country, as are the "empanadas de pino", "corn cake", "Chilean salad" and "beans with sausage. Our country is invaded by thousands of flavors of the world, that thanks to globalization, but still it is necessary to prove the country's own food, to know their food.

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