jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

The Cinema

I do not like going to the movies, because the sound is very loud and hurt my ears, and I think the seats are very uncomfortable. Despite this, just go to the movies. I think my frequency of going to the movies, is once every four months. This is a money issue as it comes out very expensive to go to the movies.

the last time I went to the movies, was in the summer because the JUNAEB, gift tickets to all young people between 15 and 29. The movie I went to see was "Righteous Kill" is a film directed by Jon Avney and starring Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. is a very good film, there are two detectives who are in search of a murderer. It's a film worth seeing, because the story is intriguing and interesting, and also work two excellent actors.

He often rented movies, but lately I buy or download from the Internet, is cheaper and I worry not returning movies on time.

My favorite movie is "Big Fish". this is a magical and moving film. Its director is Tim Burton and is based on the novel "Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions" by Dniel Wallace.

The protagonist of this film is Edward Bloom, who was a man who recounts moments of his life adding fantastic features. It is a film that motivates us to dream and believe in magical worlds. This film touches me so much every time I see her. I think I've seen it 4 times.

The part I like about it is when the protagonist arrives in a town where all inhabitants are barefoot, and have their shoes hanging on the edge of town. I think this movie just have good points, I could not tell which scenes or times are bad, because I loved the whole movie.

1 comentario:

  1. I also think this is a great movie. It really impressed me when I saw it, I felt as if I were a child again because when I was a kid I used to read lots of fairy tales and see fantastic movies that I still remember.
