domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

My academic year

Evaluation of my Academic Year

This an academic year has been very difficult, full of emotions and new experiences, in special heavy responsibilities. This is my last year academic, because next year carried out my professional practice and my thesis. In this essay talk about myself good and bad that I spent in my student life, place where I spend the most time of the day, also talk about my personal life; my unforgettable experiences as my birthday celebration in a university, and experiences sad as the illness of my aunt. To conclude this essay I will talk about his activities in my free time at university and beyond.

As for my life as a student I can tell, this year has been very difficult because in addition to the classes for my curriculum, I do my seminary degree, which I'm doing with three friends. Our seminar topic is about the meanings that pre-school teachers give their teaching practices and their relationship to the quality of nursery education. We have spent much time in their implementation because it's worth doing a good job. What I've been good this year, has been successfully pass all classes, even those who I do not like, have significant teachers in my life. And the bad things, take classes that have been a waste of time, and losing classes because of student demonstrations.

My personal life this year had many good experiences, including the celebration of my birthday, as my friends from university, I prepared a surprise party and invited my boyfriend was more beautiful day of my life. Another good moment in my life was when I change home because we went to live together with my boyfriend. Among the bad things that have happened this year, I can tell you about my boyfriend's mother, and unfortunately suffers a very serious illness that prevents you from doing all the activities you want, you have good days and very bad. This situation makes me very sad.

Finally, I have to talk about his activities in my spare time, including female soccer play, the first half of this year, do a course in football with my friends from university, this course was very good, because we decided participate in a championship, which we did not win, but no matter, although because of the games we had to miss many classes, especially English. Also participate in celebrations of the university with my boyfriend. I spend many good times moments in university.

I conclude that in this year of my career I've had some difficult moments that have made me to rethink my lifestyle, have more patience and believing in my dreams. Also, I learned to know many different people, and feel that dreams can be fulfilled, but to meet them must give everything you have, and not just what you can.

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

The current situation of my faculty is not good, because its infrastructure is not built to get as many students, especially in early childhood education career, career I that study. The computer room is spacious and has several computers, but still not enough for all students. The bathrooms are small and poorly equipped, they often break down and take a long time to fix them, besides they smell very bad. The audience for the faculty is very small, not enough to get to all students, when making conferences and seminars, many students must sit on the floor to be present, because not enough chairs for everyone. The casino is very small, and has a very hot area, where nobody wants lunch, lack ventilation and enlarge the space for more tables, and ensuring that all students can have lunch together. The library has few books related to our career, need to bring more books, plus a larger area is very small, you can not do work at home, because besides the charge of the library is always challenging to students because they make too much noise . Missing a large room for group work, where you can talk without interrupting the other students, and a room for practical work, where we can use all kinds of materials. Finally, I would say that's not all bad, because this power has a beautiful courtyard, which allows all students can relax on the grass, after a long day of classes.

To improve conditions in my school, the first to be conducted, it would enlarge the casino and put ventilation, because it's not nice to eat there. If this is improved, everyone could enjoy their lunch. After the computer room would improve, leaving fewer computers per room, because there are many and very little space, they all collide with the chairs and this is very annoying. I would put three rooms of computing, large, so that no shock to anyone. Then widen the classrooms on the first floor because they are very small, and if you had a fire we would all die because no time to escape. The auditorium is built in another place, with room for all students.

There appears to be larger than all the spaces within the university, because not enough for the number of students inside the school, this would make our work more calmly and without discussing with anyone.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Transantiago: before and after

Public transportation in our country today is not good, because the trips are shorter and do not reach everywhere, the city is divided territories, each territory has a color that identifies the town, communities are even more divided than before.

The seats are not made for the size of the Chileans, the seats are very high and when people sit on them is very uncomfortable. Besides the bus have fewer seats than the old buses.

My experience with the old system of transport was also not good, because when he was the former transport system I was a college student, so school had a card with a reduced rate, a situation that bus drivers did not like , treated very badly to students of school buses do not stop when students were waiting at the stops. Despite this, I think people were more passive, not aggressive as they were before the Transantiago. Even when there were people with bags, the person sitting with the bag helped, a situation that does not happen today. What I also remember is that the routes of the buses were longer, were taking a single bus and could go all Santiago, this does not happen now, to visit Santiago I take more than three buses. Now, public transport is modern buses that do not fit into our society both socially and physically.

To improve transportation routes but I would long for those who need to travel far away areas, and for people who need to travel for shorter trips, that these are more rapid and the buses have different departure time shorter, so that people do not have to wait that long the next bus.